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Health & Pharma

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COVID-19 as an interoperability driver

EHR interoperability has become an omnipresent challenge. In 2020, before the pandemic struck, the issue got on the list of…

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How is IT Service Management Helping Improve…

  The healthcare sector is one of the industries today that is largely driven by knowledge. It is also one…

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New Agreement Secures Historic US$1 Price for…

8.1m people in 140 low and middle-income countries to get free access to lifesaving blood test. MedAccess, the Clinton Health…

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Healthcare industry news in 2022 so far

In this article we would talk about different sectors of the industry: longevity brands and their achievements; traditional medicine achievements/innovations…

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CRISPR Gene Editing: Precise Genome Manipulation and…

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat — or CRISPR — gene editing technologies enable a huge level of dexterity for…

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4 Blue Zone Habits You Can Adopt…

Did you know that there are five locations in the world where people are measurably happier, healthier, and live longer?

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Is Rhinoplasty Really Reversible? Surgeon Comments Why…

The fluctuating beauty canons prompt people to go under the knife to achieve the desired aesthetic. Although rhinoplasty—a nose job—is…

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Happy Hair at Juvida Clinics

The world of hair is one that many people approach with no small amount of caution, whether it be considering…

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Worldwide Skincare Excellence

Professor Firas Al-Niaimi, the ‘Consultant Dermatologist of the Year’ for 2022, has once again claimed the title for his expert…

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