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Health & Pharma

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Sun Protection: How And Why You Should…

If you’ve seen the news recently, you’ll know that in July, we saw the hottest day on record, with parts…

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Stay Out of the Sun and Bask…

For many of us, there are few better feelings than soaking up some rays. The warm glow of the sun…

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Weight Loss Injections — Fad or Solution…

Recent reports indicate that 28% of adults in England are obese and a further 36% are overweight. To combat the…

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A New Study and Survey by Economist…

In the last 15 years the prevalence of asthma has increased by approximately 3.6%. The aftermath of covid-19 has left…

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Solving a Mental Health Dilemma: Can Technology…

With the rise in daily technology use, mental health struggles through a new dimension. Many of these concerns emerge due…

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What You Should Know Before Exercising While…

It’s always important to lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly, especially when you’re pregnant. In fact, research shows that…

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Lifestyle Hacks To Boost Your Skincare

Everyone wants glowing, radiant skin. The best way to get this is through our skincare routine. But did you know…

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How to Check for Signs of Skin…

Many of us spent our younger years trying to get the perfect bronzed look on the sunbeds or on the…

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Breaking Women’s Taboos: Endometriosis & Misdiagnosis

Endometriosis is a chronic gynaecological problem that occurs in women of reproductive age and affects 10% of women worldwide.

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