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Health & Pharma

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How Pharmacies Have been Affected by Brexit

Britain’s decision to break away from the EU has had an effect across many industries including science, technology, automotive and…

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5 Dangers of Tanning Beds and Common…

Nothing beats waking up to bronzed, glowing skin. Let’s face it, life is simply better when you have a tan,…

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Chatham House Report Concludes That Changing Hygiene…

A lack of safe water, sanitation, and hygiene results not only in loss of dignity, safety, health, and education, but…

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How Much Pressure is on the NHS?

The NHS is under pressure. You might have the sense that it’s been under pressure for decades. The UK has…

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How Can Healthcare Workers Prioritise Their Well-Being…

With the British Medical Journal revealing that levels of staff burnout within the care sector are still increasing, there has…

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Patients from Remote Countries Seek Orthopedic Surgeries…

The increasing popularity of medical tourism has been driven by more favorable prices, shorter wait times, better access to qualified…

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What Makes Locum Tenens a Popular Choice…

As a new (or tenured) physician, it’s understandable to think that the best option is to stay rooted in a…

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The Advantage Of Partnering With Aesthetic Equipment…

The medical aesthetics industry has been growing drastically in the past few years. The latest technological advancements provide safer and…

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People With Rare Blood Disorder to Be…

Results from a new study finds that people with paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH), a rare blood disorder, have significantly impaired…

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