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Health & Pharma

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Best Practices for Sponsors: Navigating Complexities in…

Managing clinic trial payments is a complex process that encompasses unique challenges specific to individual countries and regions.

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Regrowing Frog Limbs: What Does This Mean…

Did you know that salamanders are able to regrow limbs? They can do so thanks to blastema cells, which allow…

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Pushing Surgery Forward!

When we want to advance into bold new sectors of medicine, what should guide this progress? Nothing inspires the team…

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The Ultimate Guide to Full Spinal Cord…

The spinal cord acts as an information conduit from the brain to the rest of the body. The sensation is…

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How To Establish A Successful Nursing Career…

Every industry witnessed significant changes in its operations due to the pandemic. The healthcare sector is no exception. It became…

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Driving Towards Value-Based Care

The concept of value-based care is not new, however, it has come to the forefront of healthcare systems globally in…

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Sperm Decline: How To Improve Sperm Health

Sperm counts worldwide have plummeted by 62 per cent since 1973, according to a recent study published in the journal…

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Proper Preparation for Plastic Surgery is Key…

Last year plastic surgery procedures jumped by 54%, with liposuction, breast augmentation, and tummy tuck leading the way. The esthetic…

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New Hope For Osteoarthritis Sufferers

New research into the largest number of studies on the effects of Orthobiologics shows that on average 70% of people…

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