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Fitness & Nutrition

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STOPTOBER – How smoking is affecting your…

A lesser known fact is that smoking reduces the amount of oxygen that gets into your skin which in turn…

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64% of British Consumers Worry About Sugar…

Britain is being beaten in its war with weight because millions of people struggle to reduce the amount of sugar…

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Study: Leisure Time Increases Productivity at the…

Research indicates that adequate rest time is crucial to keep the minds of employees mentally sharp and to ensure they…

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How alcohol affects your sleep

It's well-established that drinking too much is bad for you, but how about that glass of wine before bed? It…

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Join the Growing Trend of Garden Spas…

A rising trend in the UK is to own a luxury hot tub or outdoor spa with the market for…

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Integrating cycling into your everyday life

You don't need to be an aspiring athlete to start cycling, you can introduce it into your everyday life gradually…

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How schools are identifying and combatting toxic…

With the intensity of the tests increasing each year, it's safe to say that the levels of stress are on…

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Seven out of Ten obese people feel…

The results are in from one of the biggest patient studies into obesity to be held in Greater Manchester, and…

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5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence Daily

Modern life sees us surrounded by beauty ' Instagram filters, Love Island bombshells and picture-perfect celebrities. The result? Our confidence…

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