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Fitness & Nutrition

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16 Million UK Workers Have Suffered from…

Exactly half of all UK workers admit to suffering from mental ill health, a figure that alarmingly rises when exploring…

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Five Reasons Why Travel Is Good for…

Science has shown that there are many benefits to taking a vacation. When you know what those benefits are, you…

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It Isn’t Just Women Who Need Body…

Body positivity is certainly being talked about more than ever, revealing that women aren’t the only ones that are affected.…

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87% Of Brits Say Smiling Instantly Makes…

A survey, commissioned by leading teledentistry giant SmileDirectClub, has revealed that reveals that Brits smile on average 31 times a…

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V-Care, The Biggest Women’s Health Trend In…

The #MeToo movement has encouraged women the world over to reclaim their bodies, creating a new climate for open conversation…

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7 Signs That It Is Time To…

Whilst having a reliable skin-care routine can be comforting and reliable in many ways, it doesn’t last forever. Now the…

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The Effects That Alcohol Can Have On…

Alcohol’s effect on your skin is like the rest of your body, it steals the good (hydration) and leaves the…

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How To Boost Your Body Confidence

Although being confident doesn’t come overnight, body confidence is something you work on and create your own with. Having body…

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International Stress Awareness Day: How to relieve…

With it being International Stress Awareness Day today, it is time to focus on managing that stress at night and…

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