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Fitness & Nutrition

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Do What This Neuroscientist Does Every Day…

The brain is the command centre of the nervous system and is responsible for our thoughts, emotions, memory, movement and…

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Ways to Curb Period Pain

As many as 90% of women experience symptoms during their period, with some reporting mild discomfort and others experience severe…

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Healthy Eating on A Budget: Ingredients for…

We created a simple guide detailing how you can get on board with a diet without falling into financial despair,…

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The Surprising Benefits of Cycling

Cycling is a fun and exhilarating activity that’s been around for centuries. It’s something the whole family can enjoy, and…

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How Does Nature Impact Children’s Well-Being?

How often do you see joyful children playing outside with their peers, swept up in the excitement and jubilantly singing…

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4 Easy Ways to Boost Blood Circulation…

Your skin is your largest organ, and it needs to be healthy to function properly. Healthy skin starts with getting…

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How to Identify and Deal with Imposter…

In this article, we look at the different types of personalities which imposter syndrome and go on to delve into…

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Out of the Ashes!

Providing a full range of massage and alternative relaxation and therapies, Phoenix Health and Wellness serves the community of West…

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3 Simple Methods to Reduce Your Back…

9 out of 10 people say that at least once in their life they have experienced back pain, and we…

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