Trends in the skincare industry are often unpredictable. One of them that surprised many people and created many controversies among skincare experts is using oil instead of moisturizer. On the internet, you can find opinions stating that using oils comes at the expense of healthy skin. On the other hand, many articles are praising the positive effects of face oil. You might be wondering which side of the story is true. As we would like to get to the bottom of this case, we asked the pro’s over at to take a closer look at oils and try to answer once and for all if they can be good alternatives to moisturizers. Here is what they told us.


What Does the Oil Do?

The main function of oil is to moisturize the skin. It creates a protective barrier that prevents dehydration of the skin cells and allows the skin to retain moisture. When your skin loses water, it gets dry and flaky. This may lead to more serious problems such as stretch marks.


What are the Types of Oils?

There are two main categories of oils, face oils, and carrier oils. Face oils are made for the face whereas carrier oils are meant to be used in skincare products. We will take a look at each of these types and their benefits.


Face Oils

You can use face oils like any other facial moisturizer. They are applied on the skin after cleansing, and you should not use them too often and no more than 1-2 times per day. Apply 5-6 drops of oil on the face and massage it gently to get the benefits. You can also combine face oils with other skincare products that you usually use.

Face oils are the most popular type of oils for facial care. They are often used by women and men who are looking for better skin quality. The majority of facial oils contain ingredients that moisturize the skin and promote its elasticity. Some oils also help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. There are three main types of face oils: natural oils, essential oils, and synthetic oils. Let’s take a closer look at them below.


Natural Oils

Natural oils are made from all-natural ingredients like fruits, nuts, vegetables, etc. Some examples of natural face oils include jojoba oil, argan oil, almond oil, sunflower oil, etc. These types of oils contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that promote healthy skin. Coconut oil is one of the best natural oils you can use for your skin as it contains lauric acid, which has antibacterial properties.


Essential Oils

Essential oils are extracted from plants and flowers using special methods such as steam distillation. They often contain anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and soothing properties. Some examples of face essential oils include lavender essential oil, rose essential oil, patchouli essential oil, etc. Essential oils are believed to repair damaged cells and inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria.


Synthetic Oils

Synthetic oils do not come from natural sources but are manufactured in laboratories using chemical processes. These are some examples of synthetic face oils: mineral oil, vegetable oil, silicone oil, etc. They are very affordable and easy to find, but experts generally do not recommend them for skincare as they have many side effects such as irritation, breakouts, etc. You should avoid using them if you can.


Carrier Oils

Carrier oils can be used to create your own homemade face creams. Some of them can also be used as a moisturizer on their own. To use them properly, you should mix them with other ingredients such as yogurt, honey, etc. Make sure that you do not heat the mixture; you should mix it without adding any heat. You can use carrier oils in combination with essential oils for better skin quality.

Carrier oils are much healthier than commercial moisturizers because they contain high amounts of fatty acids that improve skin quality. These fatty acids can be easily absorbed into the skin and nourish it from within. Some examples of carrier oils include jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, etc. Carrier oils do not clog pores and do not cause acne or other side effects that you would normally get from typical moisturizers. These oils come with many additional benefits such as improving the texture of the hair and providing relief from itching caused by dry scalp. One downside is that they are quite expensive compared to other types of oil. Keep in mind that not all carrier oils are safe for topical use on the face; only some of them can be safely applied to your skin. Before using any carrier oil, make sure that it is safe to use on your face by researching it first!


How to Use Oils Properly?

Now that you know what types of oil exist, we will take a look at how they can be used for skin care purposes:


To Get Rid of Acne

Face oils may help reduce the appearance of acne and prevent the recurrence of these breakouts. To be able to get rid of pimples, you have to select a suitable face oil that contains ingredients that are known to fight acne and other skin issues. This includes ingredients such as tea tree oil, peppermint oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, etc.


To Prevent Aging

Excess sun exposure and pollution can lead to premature aging of the skin. The best way to avoid this issue is to use face oils that contain anti-aging properties. Some of the best ingredients for anti-aging include vitamins A, C, and E, ceramides, phytosterols, and squalane. You can also use natural oils like argan oil or jojoba oil, which are made from plants that contain anti-aging properties.


To Manage Fine Lines and Wrinkles

The best face oils contain retinol, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. It is very important to check whether the oil you are using contains retinol because many cheap oils do not contain this ingredient. If you want to use an oil with retinol, make sure it is properly diluted in a base oil or another carrier oil like olive oil or sweet almond oil. The concentration of retinol in the face oil should be at least 1% to see visible results.


How Do Face Oils Compare to Moisturizers?

Some people think that face oils and moisturizers are basically the same things, but they actually work in completely different ways. Let’s take a look at what is the difference between these two products and how they affect your skin:


Moisturizer vs. Face Oil

Moisturizer is made to maintain the natural oil of your skin by providing it with extra moisture. It prevents excessive sebum production and clogging of pores. On the other hand, face oils contain a high concentration of fatty acids and other ingredients that can penetrate deep into the skin, nourishing it from within. They have the ability to improve skin elasticity and provide a protective barrier against dehydration.


Are Moisturizers and Oils Interchangeable?

Moisturizers and face oils are not interchangeable. You cannot use oil in place of moisturizer because oils are too heavy for the skin. They will make your face oily and greasy, which is something you definitely want to avoid as it will make your skin look worse than ever. On the other hand, you cannot use a typical moisturizer on your face because it will not provide long-lasting moisture to your skin.



In conclusion, facial oils are definitely better than commercial moisturizers. They have many benefits including getting rid of acne, preventing premature aging, and managing fine lines and wrinkles. Not to mention that most of them on the market are all-natural and safe to use. However, you should take into consideration that some of them may cause irritation or other side effects. Before using any oil on your face, make sure that it is safe to use on your skin by doing some research first. If you start using a face oil and start to get a rash or pimples it is best that you consult with a professional as there might be an underlying issue. Some people have issues with conventional moisturizers, they might make your skin feel even dryer, or oilier because they have ingredients that are quite questionable. If you are one of these people then maybe face oils are the perfect solution to your problem.