Becoming a mother is both exciting and terrifying. You want the best for your kids, but as a beginner, you learn everything on the job (and may not need a full night’s sleep). You probably have a lot of questions about what happens after birth – and they keep coming, but first, don’t forget to use the due date calculator to know how much time you have to prepare before your baby comes. That’s why we’ve put together a treasure trove of real-life advice for new mothers from the doctors, nurses, and aides who care for babies and guide new parents every day.

Leaving the hospital after giving birth can be scary

Are you telling me to bring home this perfect little baby after a few days of parenting in the hospital? Are we sure? You’ve just had a baby and it’s sad and terrifying to be away from the only place you knew when you were together. It’s ok. It’s completely natural to feel that way when stepping out of the hospital’s safety net and the supportive care team there. Adjusting to home life in a new family will take time, but adjusting to new parenting habits will help build confidence.

Our advice to moms who have just been discharged from the hospital:

Letting you feel these emotions may be helpful to talk to your partner or nurse about it before you leave the hospital, just to acknowledge your feelings. Oh, and these baby plushies will do wonders for your mood too. One way to reassure yourself about driving home is to prepare your vehicle ahead of time so you know your baby will be safe and comfortable. Before your due date, make sure your baby’s car seat is securely installed in accordance with your state’s requirements.

Sometimes babies cry for no reason

When babies cry, there’s usually a good reason. They might be hungry, out of breath, or in need of a dry diaper – you’ll start to know their different calls. But sometimes they cry even when all their needs are met. We like to think there is a scientific answer to everything these days, but doctors agree that sometimes babies cry for no reason. What we do know is that crying is how babies communicate. You suddenly become part of this whole new world surrounded by strange sights and sounds.

Our advice for new moms:

It’s natural to feel uncomfortable with a baby’s cry—in fact, our DNA is built to make us attentive caregivers. However, if you’ve tried all the usual methods of comforting your baby (feeding, burping, changing diapers, changing diapers), then just provide comfort and calm, take a deep breath and get you through. You can also temporarily put your baby in a safe place when you need a little time to organize yourself.

Breastfeeding isn’t always easy

It is often believed that breastfeeding should be second nature to both mother and baby. This stress can make mothers feel guilty when they are unable or choose not to breastfeed. The truth is, everyone’s situation is different – and that’s okay. There are many variables on the road to breastfeeding that can create obstacles and stress. Sometimes babies don’t have sex right away. Sometimes a mother doesn’t produce enough breast milk, or her milk doesn’t come out for the first few days. For others, breastfeeding can be painful.

Our breastfeeding tips for new moms:

In the end, it is important that you make the best decision for you and your baby. Empower yourself with information so you can understand and feel confident in your choices. If you decide to stop breastfeeding, you are not a loser. Just the fact that you thought about this decision has made you a great mom.

Always remember you are not alone and one day you will see that you became the best mother in the entire world.