Alternative Medicine & Holistic Health Awards
Alternative Medicine & Holistic Health Awards
About this Award

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How long has Global Health & Pharma been in circulation for?
Global Health and Pharma circulates a quarterly digital magazine to a highly-engaged subscriber base which boasts thousands of new opt-in subscribers every quarter. Global Health & Pharma magazine is one of the digital magazines published by AI Global Media, a UK based publisher which has published over 200 worldwide publications to its name since 2010.
Where did the nomination come from?
We at Global Health & Pharma frequently nominate candidates ourselves. We also gather votes, we accept both self-nominations and of course third-party nominations. In the interest of maintaining high response rates, we do not ask nominees to reveal their personal identity. The main ethos of our awards system is that your ability to succeed is not linked to the number of votes received. As a means of identifying spam votes and countering cyber-threats, we monitor activity to the voting form.
What happens once I agree to be on the shortlist?
As we look to keep maximum focus on relevant candidates, we ask all nominees to formally accept their position on the shortlist. This gives individuals and businesses the complete control in their decision on whether they would like to move forward with the award. There is no cost for you to be added onto the shortlist or if you go on to win. Nominees who accept will then proceed to our rigorous internal vetting procedure and are given an opportunity to present their own data which gets considered alongside the information collated by our research team. It can take up to 8 weeks for research to be completed.
Who determines the winners?
We employ an entirely impartial panel of 5 individuals to conduct all of the research to a high standard. At the helm of the panel we have a veteran academic leader with international academic and training experience. The team are well versed in research, fact-checking and mediation. We believe this method is the most efficient in determining which individuals and companies are most deserving in winning an award and has brought us much success and commendation throughout its use. Our continued use of this panel plays a key part in enforcing Global Health & Pharma’s stance that winners are not determined by popularity of votes, but by their contributions to the sector.
Is there an award dinner and if so, when is it?
We do not focus our efforts on a celebratory event. Despite being an enjoyable occasion, it doesn’t support our group’s philosophy of cost-effective marketing. As well as the lack of cost efficiency, Global Health & Pharma runs awards worldwide and we believe it would be logistically difficult for some of our winners to attend an awards ceremony. We follow the belief that any of the optional costs involved with the award would be more beneficial in a year’s worth of online marketing for a winner. All of our press announcements are made digitally, online and across our network to enforce our position as digital publishers. We aim to arm you with the tools (both digital and physical) to generate real-world value from your award win.
What happens if we go onto win?
There is a short press embargo in place where we ask you not to make any public announcements surrounding your win giving us the chance to prepare the different means of coverage we offer. This means that during this period the program manager will liaise with you to agree on the most appropriate coverage for you. Our main feature takes the form of a digital celebratory magazine, but we also offer physical trophies, wall mounted and digital certificates, web-based advertisements and press releases. The wide variety of options are aimed to make the awards tailor made to each individual firm, no matter which option you decide to go for.
Is there a cost involved?
There are no compulsory costs in accepting a nomination or winning an award with Global Health & Pharma. We do offer a variety of paid additional benefits for our winners, but these are entirely optional and are supportive to your award rather than essential. To demonstrate our commitment to no mandatory fees, all winners are offered a free of charge package. Our company policy will always remain: regardless of budget, our clients should always be able to garner the full value of the award and our seal of approval. We offer a variety of promotional opportunities to our winners. as we have an extensive network and we fully understand the wider business benefits from promoting industry awards.
Why does your email domain differ from your website domain?
Because we send a large volume of emails, we separate our campaign email sends from our transactional ones. This structure helps to ensure a prompt and thorough response from one of our diligent team members. The sending email address will always be recognisable but please contact us via the address on this page if you have any concerns.