Fluoride is an extremely important mineral for protecting the teeth from cavities. In fact, the ADA will only give their Seal of Acceptance to toothpastes that contain fluoride. But did you know that fluoride can also be found in many of the foods and beverages you regularly consume? Below are 5 surprising sources of fluoride that can potentially help you protect your smile.


1. Different Forms of Grapes

In almost every form, grapes are considered a good source of fluoride. Raisins in particular contain about 20 times as much fluoride as raw grapes and have one of the highest fluoride concentrations of any food. As such, you can do your smile a favor by enjoying grapes, raisins, grape juice, and wine throughout the day. Of course, when it comes to raisins and grape juice, you need to make sure there aren’t any added sugars that could offset the oral health benefits.


2. Fruits

Grapes aren’t the only kind of fruit that contains fluoride. You can also find the mineral in apples, strawberries, bananas, peaches, watermelons, and cherries. When you have the choice, you should always eat fruits while they’re fresh so that you can get the full benefits from the fluoride (and other important nutrients) that they contain.


3. Vegetables

Certain vegetables like spinach and potatoes are known to have high fluoride levels. Potatoes in particular are an excellent choice because they can be prepared in various ways. Think about how you can add more potatoes to your diet if you’re looking for ways to take better care of your smile while also enjoying your meals to the fullest.


4. Seafood

There are some kinds of seafood that contain fluoride, with shrimp and crab legs being particularly popular examples. Are you thinking of taking the entire family out for a fancy meal? Seafood can be a great-tasting option that can also benefit everyone’s smiles.


5. Tea and Coffee

For many people, tea and coffee are the main sources of fluoride in their diets. This is especially the case if the water used to brew these beverages has already been fluoridated. That being said, tea and coffee also have the potential to stain the teeth if you’re not careful. If you want to enjoy the benefits of tea and coffee while keeping your smile bright, you should brush and floss immediately after you’ve finished your beverage. Rinsing with water can also help.

Increasing your fluoride exposure can make a big difference for your teeth, and luckily there’s no shortage of foods and beverages that can help you accomplish this. Your dentist might have some additional suggestions for how you can increase your fluoride intake, so be sure to ask them during your next appointment.