A gap between two teeth is known as a diastema. It most commonly occurs between upper front teeth, but a gap can appear between any two teeth. There are various reasons why gaps can appear, such as having a mismatch in the size of your jawbone and teeth or regularly sucking your thumb. If you have a gap between your teeth, the good news is there are several dental treatments that can reduce it.

1. Retainers

While retainers are commonly used for aligning teeth, they can also be effective in reducing a gap between two teeth. If you have a gap because of shifting in your teeth, using retainers could be the best solution. Retainers are one of the least expensive options for reducing teeth gaps but it takes a lot longer to see results compared to other treatments.

2. Invisalign Braces

While adult braces can help to reduce the gap between your teeth, they can feel rather invasive, so a better option is invisible braces. Furthermore, these days, you can get invisible braces delivered directly to your door and there is no need for x-rays and dentist appointments. There are lots of different invisible brace aligners on the market, so be sure to compare different ones to find the right solution for you.

3. Dental Bonding

The fastest and easiest way of reducing the gap between your teeth is to proceed with dental bonding. The procedure involves a resin, which matches your teeth’s colour, being applied and shaped to give a natural look. The resin is then hardened with UV light so that it bonds with the teeth. Dental bonding can completely eliminate the gap between your teeth. The only drawback of dental bonding is it is not a permanent fix. The effects wear off over time due to eating and brushing, so you will need repeat treatment at some point.

4. Veneers

While applying veneers is also a quick way of closing the gap between your teeth, the procedure takes more planning and work than dental bonding. While using veneers is not a permanent solution, the results of the procedure can last for many years. A veneer is a thin piece of porcelain. It is shaped and coloured in a lab to match your teeth before being placed and bonded over your teeth to cover up the gap. Once the veneer is bonded, it is very sturdy. One thing you should know about the veneer procedure is it is impossible to reverse.

5. Implants

If you have a gap between your teeth due to a missing tooth, you could consider getting an implant. Implants are paired with dental crowns and bridges to fill the gap in your smile. Implants can be either permanent or removable, and they can easily be coloured to match the shade of your teeth. The implant procedure involves inserting an implant tooth into your gum or bone, so only highly skilled dentists can perform the task.

A Word of Caution

Some people try to correct the gaps in their teeth themselves by using dubious methods like wrapping elastic bands around two teeth. Never do that! Using such methods is incredibly dangerous and could lead to irreparable damage. And when there are affordable options like invisible braces available, there really is no need to take matters into your own hands. Carefully consider the above dental treatments for gap reduction to find the best solution for you. It could also be worthwhile talking to a dentist to explore the options in more detail.