Few people can deny the fact that we live in stress-filled times. We all have our daily work-related frustrations that were only further exacerbated by the immediate as well as long-lasting repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, tensions between countries are rising in multiple regions around the world. Many have found that one effective way to manage stress levels is through the use of CBD-infused products.

CBD (Cannabidiol) is one of the over 113 naturally occurring cannabinoids found in the cannabis Sativa plant. The most crucial characteristic of CBD is that, unlike the more well-known THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), it doesn\’t have any psychoactive side effects. As a result, CBD can be used absolutely legally in almost any country, while marijuana and THC have been decriminalized and approved for recreational use in just a couple of places.

Considerations About CBD

With such a wide distribution, CBD-infused products are poised to become a cornerstone of self-care routines for people from numerous cultures and religions. Naturally, this will cause some to ask questions about the application of CBD in the context of their religion, such as – is CBD oil halal? In Islam, the term halal is defined as permissible or lawful, and the general consensus is that CBD is halal because it doesn\’t have an intoxicating effect.

However, certain factors may influence the final decision. For example, some products may use CBD that has been extracted with alcohol, which will immediately define them as haram due to the use of intoxicants. Some tinctures may also rely on alcohol-based extraction methods, so reading the label is a must. Other CBD products like certain types of capsules may be considered haram due to the use of non-halal animal products such as gelatine in their manufacturing.

Potential Benefits

While research for many of the perceived benefits attributed to CBD is still ongoing, many can attest that using CBD oils and creams has boosted their self-care routine significantly. Among the claimed positive effects are relief from sleep problems, aid with bone growth issues, slowing down the growth of tumors, alleviating the symptoms of seizure disorders, and many others. Some simply enjoy the calming effect that CBD has on their mental state when taken at the end of a busy day. Thanks to the variety of different products available on the market, people have the opportunity to pick the right one to address their particular needs.

Topical Use

Topical products applied directly to the skin allow the CBD to rejuvenate the epidermis layer without being absorbed deeper into the skin itself. Using a body lotion in the morning or after a hot shower can help re-hydrate the skin and leave it soft and smooth for the rest of the day. A heavier body cream can be applied to extra dry areas that need a boost. You can even include a CBD-infused serum as part of your skincare to reduce inflammation, hydrate, and encourage the rejuvenation of your face. Topical CBD oils can also bring down muscle soreness after a workout or muscle stiffness caused by working behind a desk for prolonged hours.

Drops And Capsules

CBD can also be taken daily, just like a multivitamin, in order to extract the most out of its potential benefits. You can put a tincture right next to your regular vitamins and place a couple of drops under the tongue every morning. This method guarantees quick absorption into the bloodstream and is considered to be one of the fasters and simplest ways for CBD intake. For the best results, hold the oil for approximately 60 seconds before swallowing what\’s left of it. CBD capsules work similarly. They can be taken with a glass of water and ensure uniformity between each dose. Make sure to read the label of each CBD product before you start using it daily.

Vape Products

Vaping is still a hotly debated issue. Some experts consider it a better alternative to smoking that can help people give up the harmful habit. Others, however, are concerned about the lack of research into the long-term effects vaping may have. Meanwhile, vaping has retained its popularity and can be an effective way of getting the full effects of CBD. You should only use specifically formulated CBD vape oils. Despite the similar naming, other CBD oils and tinctures are intended to be ingested orally and should never be used for vaping.