The coronavirus has devastated many industries out there, and the UK’s healthcare is also under significant strain.

Unfortunately, health workers were recently being reported as being ‘back in the eye of the storm’, according to NHS chief executive Simon Stevens. The battle against COVID is mostly a large slog, so any advantage big or small will no doubt be most welcome for those working in these settings. Video conferencing software is one such tool that can help turn the tide.

In what ways can this technology improve things? Well, here are 3 perks of installing video conferencing software in the healthcare industry.


Outside Support

Today, healthcare workers are feeling particularly isolated, unheard in their grievances and largely unsupported through inadequate government services.

However, there are other businesses that are keen to provide their help, whether it is through supplies, volunteers, or NHS video conferencing. For the latter, Involve step in, described by United Lincolnshire Hospitals as exceeding expectations and providing extra value with the products provided. Video interpreting services, consultation platforms, and more are readily issued by them, ensuring that healthcare professionals stay connected. Focusing on customer service and support, their sensitive to every issue healthcare workers face.

Technology can be incredibly useful, but it’s the goodwill that comes with the installation that can really provide a significant boost. It isn’t as simple as just buying a new computer; video conferencing is rooted in positive working relationships. Healthcare workers need the support of others now more than ever, and video conferencing software is at the heart of that.


Refined Treatment

When it comes to healthcare, the patients always come first.

If a healthcare professional needs a second opinion on a diagnosis or a developing illness, their superior or fellow expert is only a short call away. It provides a greater sense of support across every healthcare field, ensuring that help and guidance is never unattainable. From there, better treatment for patients is absolutely guaranteed.

Treating more people is also possible with video conferencing. In an in-depth BBC report on ‘Zoom medicine’, Health Secretary Matt Hancock stressed that people should have video consultations with their doctors unless there is a clinical reason not to. If patients are so ill that they can’t suitably travel, or if doctors are so busy that they can’t possibly schedule in more appointments, then video conferencing is the perfect middle ground. It gives everyone a chance to be seen or do their best work, which is what healthcare is all about!


Lowering Costs

Whether they are dealing with patients or colleagues, not every matter is worth a face-to-face consultation.

In 2018, The Guardian claimed that hospitals were massively overspending, as well as suffering from overworked staff. However, when not every meeting needs to be conducted in person, costs are thereby reduced. Fewer medical suppliers are used, and travel costs are also eliminated for all the person’s involved.

The saying ‘time is money’ is also true, and video conferencing undoubtedly saves time. With video conferencing, every moment and discussion can be spent productively, without the need to get up and move around unnecessarily or stop for idle chatter. It trims the fat around the day-to-day grind, which in the long-term will undoubtedly lower costs.