Antimicrobial resistance will kill 10 million people each year, with a total global GDP loss of 100 TRILLION dollars by 2050. That’s what UK economist, Lord O’Neill, told delegates at a recent health conference hosted by Wired magazine. It’s an exponential disaster already in motion, said O’Neill.
Responding to Lord O’Neill’s interim analysis, Mario Pinca, CEO of Italian health service company, Copma, said: ‘It is necessary to act on all fronts with determination and innovative solutions, and Europe must act now to tackle antimicrobial resistance’
Jim O’Neill, famed forA final report will be presented to Cameron before the summer.
The Review on #AMR is producing thematic papers looking at all aspects of the problems raised by drug resistance ‘ including the supply of new drugs, the use of diagnostics, surveillance, infection control, alternative treatments and the use of antibiotics in agriculture.
Pinca commented: ‘Copma has been involved with sensational new medical research conducted by the University of Ferrara, in Italy, which proves that Europe can immediately counteract environmental pathogenic multi-resistance; simply by using a special probiotic-based hygiene system, called ‘PCHS’ – PCHS system is the Probiotic Cleaning Hygiene System.’
‘The global significance of our research results has been highlighted in the PlosOne research journal, documented in a paper by lead researcher, Professor Sante Mazzacane. Mazzacane Director of the Research Center, CIAS, Ferrara University. Mazzacane said: ‘The study proves the ability of PCHS to colonise hospital surfaces, replacing pathogenic bacteria with safe bacteria. This will potentially have an enormous impact in Europe’s hospitals.’
Copma President, Alberto Rodolfi, remarked that: ‘Lord O’Neill’s report should sound a loud alarm throughout Europe’s health ministries.’ Rodolfi said, ‘Either we roll-out new hygiene solutions today, or we pay heavily tomorrow with lives lost, and GDP hugely weakened.’