
The Vendit mission is to put science at the forefront of relationships between industry and professionals by reliably delivering key clinical trial data wherever it is needed. The Vendit team support the global life science and healthcare sectors in delivering the science behind scientific claims. Commercial copyright content is an essential, and overlooked, component of a multi-channel digital strategy.

Remember when attending a congress, clinicians could be seen struggling under the weight of academic paper content they needed to collect. Unwieldy and ephemeral, this important paper would often end up stuffing the bins of congress halls, hotels and airports. And yet, the Peer-reviewed clinical trial summaries that are traditionally delivered on paper from leading publishers, are required by doctors to make their own assessment of the data behind product claims.

To solve this problem, Tangent 90 built a digital copyright licensing platform and delivered content to 87% of the delegates at its first educational meeting. The feedback from the doctors was simply, ‘why haven’t I been able to do this before?’

The solution is now called Vendit and is in its fourth generation. In order to deliver a service that meets the needs and challenges of the industry, Vendit has formed a Gold partnership with Health Media Europe (HME), a leading media and reprints agency that has supported the pharmaceutical industry for more than 35 years. Due to strong relationships with over 100 STM publishers, HME brings to Vendit a cost-effective, strategic and seamless content procurement service.

This aligned with innovative country media solutions, in-house ad-serving and a multi-channel distribution service, enhances the reach and messaging of HME clients: from traffic driving through to distribution and follow-up engagement. The platform has grown thanks to a partner ecosystem led by companies such as HME, who acquire copyright content for distribution from over 150 publishers.

Vendit and HME are headline sponsors at London Info International and will be exhibiting at Excel on the 6th and 7th December 2016. The team will be demonstrating multi-channel copyright content sharing with Veeva Systems as well as new services for the delivery of validated patient materials and creation of narrated content.

Tangent 90 are a Veeva Silver Technology Partner. Veeva Systems are a leader in cloudbased software for the global life sciences industry. This exciting and innovative partnership ensures copyright ePrints can be distributed when new results are published – where demand for educational materials and key trial data is at its highest.

In recent times the Vendit platform has demonstrated the need for scientific data sharing at over 50 of the largest global and regional congresses in 2015 and 2016. There has been a clear demand for scientific and educational content from both enterprise and attendees. Jump forward to 2020, when 67% of Healthcare professionals will be born digital.

The Vendit platform is already the compliant multichannel distribution solution for the Life Sciences industry to deliver published digital content. This SaaS platform ensures key copyright publications are disseminated reliably, across multiple touch points, from anywhere in the world and via any device. Industry has a duty to track what is being shared, with whom it is being shared, when it is shared, and through which channel it is shared.

Vendit and partners have co-ordinated a multichannel approach that guarantees flexibility across all touch points, whilst simultaneously ensuring documented consent, including full auditing and transfer of value tracking (Sunshine Act compliance).

Richard Lucas, Founding Director of Innovation adds, ‘sharing copyright ePrints of publications ensures doctors are able to assess the available data and to evaluate the treatment choices they are making for patients. Doctors interact with copyright content through field force, at congresses and conferences, via websites, mobile apps, in print and other channels. This vital scientific information must be made available wherever doctors need it and in compliance with copyright, industry rules and government regulation’. As well as making content available via conventional channels – Lucas also stresses how Vendit ‘integrates easily with brand websites, portals and eDetailing platforms’.

Lucas added, ‘what really drives me is my grandfather, Arnold, who started his business from a wheelbarrow in Lawton Street, Liverpool. He was a successful businessman who in 1968 was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.’ ‘This long term chronic condition defined the last 17 years of my grandfather’s life. I grew up hearing the stories of how well this frail old man had run and managed his business and yet, when I knew him, he couldn’t hold a conversation or walk down the street.

‘Everyone has stories like this and we all want to know that the specialists treating our loved ones have the latest data at their fingertips to ensure the best available treatments are employed.’

Tangent 90 currently provide services to the UK NHS for the distribution of patient materials from healthcare professionals. The latest platform, built in partnership with Nexgen Healthcare, Ltd. will be presented in the Disruptor Zone at London International 2016. The platform enables scientists to organise, narrate and share clinical posters with their audience.

Lucas would like to encourage more professionals to use the SaaS platform to share evidence based patient support materials to their community and gives his thoughts on the future of mobile healthcare: In Lucas’ view, many mobile apps and devices haven’t yet been validated to prove that they provide real clinical evidence of efficacy. Clinical evidence of safety and efficacy are a real and current focus of healthcare systems such as the NHS. Such focus should be the mantra of every health and wellbeing app developer. Evidence of beneficial effect is your real differentiator.’

Lucas also believes that individualised optimum wellness should surely be the goal of apps and platforms in the mobile health space. ‘Precision medicine and sustainable care are creating new pathways for the mobile generation. Advances are also needed in interoperability, content licensing and security, not to mention communication of the evidence based information sources and products already out there.

‘For us, the expanding levels of transparency in the sector are opening up new and exciting opportunities. The Vendit team have recently partnered with BigChainDb to build a public transparency ledger. Wouldn’t it be easier for enterprise, doctors and regulators if regulated transparent value transfers were immediately placed on an immutable public ledger when the contract is signed and the transaction is recognised?’ The team behind the Vendit Saas platform, Tangent 90 have built apps to support patients from conditions only affecting one in a million through to maternity education of all expectant mothers. Providing real utility to the users of the app and a record of care for the clinician are the gold standards that every developer should strive for.

Tangent 90 have built structured content collections for all stakeholders in the sector. These range from clinical trial investigators through to disease awareness for the public. Tangent 90 have also built remote diagnosis and treatment sites for the NHS, corporate websites, training sites for investigators, individual brand and country portals, as well as a wide array of portals for healthcare.

The Tangent 90 team has delivered across a range of sectors and won awards for the platforms created. Every brief starts with a conversation, which develops into a discussion document and iterates into a quotation. The team run ‘innovation’ labs and ‘hackathons’ to generate novel solutions to market challenges. In every case, they work to clarify the business model so that it delivers a validated solution to meet the needs of all the stakeholders.

When it comes to evidence based discussion online, Lucas calls into question the value of forums and social media, recognising that it is welcome for holistic support but has huge potential for mis-leading the vulnerable.

‘Community-based social media is a powerful force for change with which industry can, understandably, struggle to engage. Tangent 90 encourage all community moderators to check claims with fact checking sites such as and uphold the principles of as a minimum. From patient information through to information provided to doctors, it is imperative to educate and inform the guardians of these communities, to ensure they operate responsibly for their users, and provide access to ethical educational content where appropriate.’ Vendit fulfils the obligation of responsible delivery of medical content through all channels. The software enables marketers to reach all healthcare professionals, nacross all mediums, with the data that underpins product claims. Vendit enables busy clinicians to consume this content when it is most relevant.

Balancing regulatory compliance with the need to provide evidence is the challenge that Vendit has been built for. There are many stakeholders in the distribution chain of ethical content and it is important to engage IT functions to make them aware that Global Life Science companies don’t own commercial copyright content from publishers and that Vendit, which is a Copyright Licensing Platform (CLP), is the comprehensive answer to giving evidence from publishers to doctors.

In short, doctors take responsibility for their own educational journey and make their own mind up about the scientific data behind claims. Global Life Science companies must compliantly provide that data. Vendit is the connection in this critical path and the closeknit Vendit team are passionately working to transform commercial digital distribution of copyright content.

Company: Tangent 90 Ltd
Name: Richard Lucas
Web Address:
London Info International registration link:
Address: 27 Pegasus Court, Herschel Street, Slough.
Telephone: +44 1753 822 922
