
Alliance brings together best minds in reproductive medicine and genomics across world renowned academic institutions and fertility treatment centers.

Celmatix,  a personalized medicine company focused on fertility and women’s health, has announced the launch of the Personalized Reproductive Medicine (PReM) Initiative, an alliance created to investigate what an individual’s genetic signature and personalized metrics say about his or her overall fertility. These insights have the potential to revolutionize how fertility difficulties are diagnosed, treated, and possibly prevented.

The PReM Initiative brings together an unprecedented consortium of  leading academic research institutions and fertility treatment centers  in the United States with the goal of leveraging big data and genomics to better understand the reproductive challenges faced by millions of people around the world. PReM Initiative partners include: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Institute for Personalized Medicine, Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut, Reproductive Medicine Associates of Michigan, Reproductive Medicine  Associates of New York, Reproductive Medicine Associates of Philadelphia, Reproductive Medicine Associates of Texas, Shady Grove Fertility, Fertility and Reproductive Health Center at Stanford University, Center for Advanced Reproductive Services at the University of Connecticut, and the Women and Infants Health Specimen Consortium at Washington University in St. Louis.    

As part of ushering in a new era of personalization in reproductive medicine, the goals of the Initiative are to:    

  • Vet and validate the existing body of literature and discoveries linking clinical data and genetic signatures to reproductive outcomes      
  • Recruit participants for large-scale research and validation studies on genetic signatures related to fertility      
  • Communicate novel research findings and discoveries through collaborative reports, presentations at medical and scientific         conferences, and peer reviewed journals      
  • Translate actionable information to intuitive products that impact fertility clinical decision making      
  • Advocate for greater public- and private-sector funding for research in the field of reproductive medicine     
  • Drive greater awareness of fertility preservation options and fertility difficulties.  

‘Personalized medicine paradigms are revolutionizing healthcare, and Celmatix is leading the revolution in reproductive medicine,’ explained       Dr. Piraye Yurttas Beim, CEO and founder of Celmatix. ‘I was hearing about women having multiple miscarriages with no explanation as well as couples undergoing multiple failed IVF cycles with no clarity as to whether it made sense for them to continue treatment. I knew that if we       could harness the power of big data and genomics, we could do better for individuals who are struggling to conceive.’    

Dr. Lynn Westphal, Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Stanford University Medical Center explained ‘Having better insights into the       genetic drivers of fertility potential would be game changing for our patients. Access to this information would allow us to more effectively       guide fertility patients to successful outcomes.’ Dr. Westphal continued, ‘Decoding something as complex as fertility potential, however, requires an incredible amount of resources and expertise. Now, with the creation of the PReM Initiative, this advancement will be possible.’    

‘Personalization is the future of reproductive medicine. There is an enormous benefit to individuals understanding their own fertility potential and taking proactive steps, egg freezing and otherwise, to optimize their chances to conceive,’ stated Dr. Alan Copperman, director of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Mount Sinai Hospital and medical director of RMA of New York. ‘Giving women real data regarding their personal reproductive health could help them make more informed treatment decisions. Collaborative efforts such as the PReM Initiative are essential for the field of reproductivemedicine, and my team and I are proud to participate.’    

Celmatix and several members of the PReM initiative will be presenting research findings at this week’s American Society for Reproductive       Medicine’s (ASRM) annual meeting in Baltimore, October 19-21.