
The American Urological Association (AUA) and the Urology Care Foundation, together with the Bladder Health Alliance ‘ a coalition of groups representing physicians, patients and veterans ‘ today applauded Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) for introducing Senate Resolution 604, a measure supporting the designation ofNovember 2016 as “National Bladder Health Month” in the United States.

“The introduction of this resolution by Sen. Kirk is an important step in increasing awareness of bladder conditions,” said Dr. Jim Ulchaker, chair of the AUA’s Legislative Affairs Committee. “Awareness is one of the first steps toward reducing the stigma associated with bladder conditions and empowering providers and patients to discuss bladder health.”
Millions of Americans suffer from a variety of bladder health conditions, including urinary incontinence, overactive and underactive bladder, interstitial cystitis, urinary tract infections, nocturia, bladder cancer, urotrauma and neurogenic bladder. These diseases impact health and quality of life, and result in significant health costs (estimated to be more than $70 billion per year). Medical and behavioral research to better understand and maintain bladder health and to treat bladder conditions is critically needed yet is underfunded compared to other health research.

“Tens of thousands of people from Illinois, struggle with the impacts of poor bladder health,” said Senator Kirk. “These conditions have been linked to a number of side effects like depression, decreased physical activity and hospitalizations, particularly women and veterans. It is vitally important that we discuss these serious conditions with great openness and transparency. I also hope we will continue to invest in the research needed to better understand and treat the various bladder ailments that exist today.”