
The number of consultants, doctors, nurses, midwives and paramedics working in the Welsh NHS has reached a record high, new figures released today show.

Since 2011, the total number of full-time equivalent staff directly-employed by NHS Wales has increased by 2,122.

Between 2014 and 2015 alone, the total number of staff directly employed by the NHS in Wales rose by 1,494 to 73,958.

The figures, which are published today, show there are now 2,303 consultants working in the Welsh NHS ‘ up 130 since 2011. Since 2005, consultant numbers have increased by 41.5%.

The number of medical and dental staff, which includes consultants, registrars, junior doctors, and dental staff now stands at 6,120, an increase of 109 between 2014 and 2015, and up by 276 since 2011.

In 2015, the total GP workforce stood at 2,887, which includes GPs, GP registrars, GP retainers and GP locums. This compares to 2,858 in 2014. There were 1,997 GP practitioners in Wales in 2015, up 148 or 8% since 2005.

There are also more nurses working in the Welsh NHS than ever before ‘ the total number of nursing, midwifery and health visiting staff has increased by 383 to 28,684 since 2014. Since 2011, numbers have increased by 704 ‘ up from 27,980.

There are now 20,873 qualified nurses (excluding registered midwives), up from 20,587 in 2011, while there are 1,319 registered midwives, up from 1,162 in 2011 ‘ an increase of 157.

Health and Social Services Minister Mark Drakeford said:

‘There are now more consultants and doctors, nurses and paramedics working in the Welsh NHS than ever before.

‘Since this government came into office in 2011, there are 2,122 more staff working in the Welsh NHS ‘ this includes 130 additional consultants, 704 additional nurses, midwives and health visitors, 500 additional scientific, therapeutic and technical staff and 110 additional healthcare assistants, ambulance staff and other support staff.

‘Our commitment to the NHS is unwavering. All those who work in the NHS ‘ whether in hospitals or local communities ‘ are at the heart of the service. I want to pay tribute to their commitment to delivering high-quality healthcare to people right across Wales.

‘We will continue to work closely with all staff, with trades unions and professional bodies, to protect and invest in these vital services in the face of deep cuts to our budgets from the UK Government.’

The figures also show:

– The number of managers fell by 77 to 1,898 between 2014 and 2015. Since 2011, the total number has fallen by 191. Of these, the number of senior managers fell by nine between 2014 and 2015, while between 2011 and 2015, the number fell by 73 ‘ a fall of 11.5%;

– Scientific, therapeutic and technical staff increased by 301 between 2014 and 2015 to 11,971. Since 2011, the number has increased by 11,472 ‘ an increase of 500;

– The number of ambulance service staff, including paramedics, technicians and emergency care practitioners, has increased by 54 since 2014. Since 2011, the numbers have increased by 141 (up nearly 10%);

– The number of healthcare assistants increased by 180 between 2014 and 2015 and by 257 between 2011 and 2015.